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Riverview’s Stergalas Resigns

Numerous sources have confirmed that Riverview football coach Jeff Stergalas has resigned. It appears as if Stergalas will remain as the Athletic Director at the school.

Chris Schultz

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  • That was weird the d zone just tweeted he resigned and then everyone else reported it too and they didn't say anything else about it since? or did I miss something from then? They're on top of the whole state in terms of coverage so I could of missed it.

  • I remember watching the FR '76 state championship game while I was in high school (late 90's) on an actual film reel. I think our coaches wanted it to inspire us. I remember thinking "these guys are good, much better than we were." You look at rosters and the size of kids in the Huron League has not changed significantly. Sure, it takes more games to win a state championship now but there are twice as many opportunities to win a state championship. As a player in the late 90's or a coach NOW, I would not want to play the '76 FR team, '91 SMCC team or '94 Jefferson team (which I saw in person). Sure, it would be a great challenge but a very likely loss. Those teams were just as good as any state champs of similar enrollment today. Like a famous coach once said, "It's about the Jacks and Joes, not the X's and O's."

  • All the real athletes in flat rock right now are looking to get out to go tonHuron anyway.....thanks to the Huron little league program for recruiting them! They have convinced parents that their little 4th-6th graders are 'studs'.... What a joke

  • Flat Rock is working now but they have a basketbal coach who preaches the do not play football and get hurt crap instead of encouraging more kids to play......

    They need to get 20 more kids in the varsity program to begin to compete. Baby steps, then the league will split anyway with the new playoff system and they will be playing more schools their size anyway and hopefully have some 5+ win seasons.

  • Lloyd Carr's stepson has had a rough go in his current job.. Is he really a candidate? Is this a high demand job where a ton of coaches are actually interested? Is Riverview will to fork up a high paying teaching job for someone? I have heard nothing.

  • FR should go back to the Flood Rt Flood Left with duggie and wegieka. It's simple unbalanced football. Run the old 4-4 like duggie solidified and mix in some 5-2 monster. Kids will be in the right spot. I'd like to teach a tackling clinic for them. Kids don't know how to tackle in FR, they should be learning that stuff early and right now

  • Chris, Don't ZZZZZzzzzz you're getting 45 replies on the Huron league football blog in February!! WAKE UP!! Hoops in the HL is boring!! It's Milan then true HL hoop

  • I went to many of the games for cc in 91. That team was every bit as good as ANY of the teams that have won a state title as of late in D5-6. Remember back then CC competed as class B. It was 4 divisions not 8. MUCH tougher to win a title back then it is now.

    There wasnt a bad player on that 91 team. They all could block and tackle very well. That wins games. period.

    I will even throw my '87 team in there as well for CC. They(we) lost to Mill the thrill coleman and Farmington Hills Harrison, back in their hay day. All respect to Ithaca, Montague and the like but that FHH team would have wiped the floor with Ithaca....



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