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Jefferson’s Marc Cisco Retires

It has been confirmed that Marc Cisco of Monroe Jefferson has retired from coaching football at the school.

Chris Schultz

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  • Hard not to mention CC when you are talking about Cisco... It became a great rivalry.

  • Isn't this a blog about Marc Cisco and all his years at Jefferson. CC people just can't stand to see some other school get the attention.

  • Chris,
    The start of practice is almost 3 months away!! Do you have a 2013 watch list?
    Any surprises, sleepers, disappointments??
    Who takes over at Jefferson? How will Baas do at Airport?
    New Playoff format?? Who will it hurt? Who will it help?

  • "Yes, yes... CC. Anointed by the Pope to be the benchmark of middle-of the pack Michigan football. Got it. (But great work on your success in the past decade.)"

    Past decade? Why piss on us old guys? We were good back in the day too. .720 winning % says so

  • Well, I wouldn't say it's a "ridiculous" idea. But then again debating with "Anonymous" on a blog about a small high school football league in Southeast Michigan probably is. Just kidding.

    Yes, yes... CC. Anointed by the Pope to be the benchmark of middle-of the pack Michigan football. Got it. (But great work on your success in the past decade.) I will agree that the new coach has got to embrace the CC rivalry.

    You both are right in the respect that this area/league does not draw the talent of actual notable Michigan programs like Rockford, Det. Nov. CC, Lake Orion, Harrison, Br. Rice, OLSM and the like... But it's not a matter of "throwing doesn't equal more points." It's a matter of throwing might not fit Jefferson. But it could because there are always talented kids there. And I think kids would respond very well to a modern game mixed with smash-mouth (get more excited about football).

    Only one season not being 5-4, 4-5, or 1-8 in the last 9 years might tell you that "blue collar kids" aren't responding to the old Bear football credo that much anymore. But you may be right, they may be ready to respond to a younger coach they already know.

    And what do I know about their coaches? - playing in the system and knowing/knowing of all these guys I can say that they are quality people and hopefully they've been chomping at the bit to bring a modern edge to a type of football many of us are proud we got to grow up in. Tradition is good, but refusing to develop because "this is how we do it at JHS" is why that school has laid dormant and lost enrollment for awhile now (not just because of football). Hopefully things overall are on the uptick. But ultimately, you're right, Jefferson will hire a head coach from what they already have on staff.

    Sticking to their guns - even when the results aren't always pretty - has been the Jefferson way. There's good and bad to that. OK - have fun with your blog and the upcoming season. Good luck to all Huron League teams this fall. Go Bears.

  • Only people with strictly Madden and NCAA football experience think that the spread offense is viable year in and year out in small to medium size schools in Michigan. This, however, does not apply to Detroit schools and other schools that get tremendous athletes. The fact of the matter is that in order to be good with it, you need to practice it year round - which many 3 sport athletes at small schools don't have the time to do, or it is illegal to have more than a few people, a ball, and a coach practicing in the off-season. Spread programs like Ithaca are good at it because they have had Division I QB's and pull athletes from a large area. Coach Cisco had the best system for the type of kids he has at Jefferson - tough, blue collar kids. He was a great coach and is a great man.

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