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Friday Night Scores

Grosse Ile 70 Robichaud 51 Final
SMCC   35 Consortium 12 Final
Milan 6 Tecumseh 26 Final

Chris Schultz

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  • You are definitely a feisty one.
    Always right, never give in or be apologetic. Thats OK. Life goes on.

  • Blanket statements always make you look foolish.

    A few bloggers do not represent a total fan base.

    For me, I represent myself

    fans are fans - people are people, everywhere you go.

    good luck to GI and SMCC

    both are winnable in my opinion

  • I only predict winners or losers.... I never ever have said I wont root for this and that team. little difference there.

    I think you should go back and read what I said about Airport beating Milan.

    Airport played sub par all year. Is that not the case? That, or they just werent as good as we thought they were.

    I root for all HL teams come playoff time.

    I wont root for them unless they root for us attitiude makes you sound like a baby. cant argue that.

  • 10:21, thats nice.
    2 teams still standing by the way

    CC has created their own haters over the years. I am not one of them, but I am right in the middle of it. So any bashing you get is from folks that SMCC has left a bad taste with. Jealous, maybe some, but mostly the better than you attitude.

    You notice on here CC has the most bashers. For many that is tough to get past, even in the playoffs.

  • Wow ? Bloodynutter, who the heck are you?? You knock teams all over this thing, you give me crap for asking for universal support.
    Get a life, you a politician or something.

    I have praised all the playoff teams on here. Even CC. Just asking for it back. Where was all the praise for Airport?? You didn't stick up for them once, why so much for CC?? Airport had a down year, but DID make the playoffs and played very respectable at the end of the year.

    Just bounce around on here and knock everybody, that will make the blog more succesful. ???

  • RE:"Thats fine as long as SMCC comes out when the other schools are winning. Didn't see it last year when they didn't make playoffs.

    I'm good with that, just goes both ways."

    What a ridiculous comment.

    Be a man and applaud these young man and cheer them on. You sound like a little baby.

  • Thats fine as long as SMCC comes out when the other schools are winning. Didn't see it last year when they didn't make playoffs.

    I'm good with that, just goes both ways.

  • I agree lets support the boys who are working hard to make their school, their parents, themselves and OUR community proud no matter what school they are from! GO GI and CC.

  • Robichaid would have beaten CP. Football is a game of matchups. Robichaud was pretty small where CP was huge. Those qualities posed different match ups forGI. GI has really improved this season. I do believe they are playing their best football right now. I also think they are better than last season. They will see some more speed against DCDS and a D 1 QB too.

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