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Saturday Playoff Score

Grosse Ile 18 Pennfield 13 Final

Chris Schultz

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  • I know sterg has won a title but GI is not in the title game so no point really. Cisco has won one as well.


  • hey 9:34 poster, or poser.....I have coached football before, probably before you were born. Your obviously an smcc slappy who loves smcc and god and garmo. The reality is you should have won more games but didn't based on your outcomes. Your team WAS NOT creative enough. It's ok. I love how you think you have all the answers but if you have a real reality check, you would know that I'm right. Your probably some teacher slappy who thinks he can coach, but just wants the extra money during the year. Like I said, it's 2011, not 1962. GO G.I.

  • To the 7:05 poster:
    Wow if you have such a good philosophy and its that easy why don't you go get a coaching job? Oh wait, you can't/won't because it is not that easy.I coached for 20 years and your philosophy makes no sense. Just be creative? No each coach does what he can with who he has. Giarmo has done well with what he had except from this year. He went to state finals 2 years in a row. Let me see you do that. 90% of the people on this blog think they know more than the coaches and that they could do better, but everything that thinks and talks that way is wrong. It isn't an easy thing to do. So take your "be creative" system somewhere else. Congrats to GI by the way. Way to represent the Huron League.

  • Note to all Huron League smaller schools. Quit trying to run the ball against these big class A schools, YOU CAN'T. And please don't mention smcc, cuz they recruit like all catholic schools do. This is 2011 .....Spread them out and make them cover you 1 on 1. Quit tryin to re-invent the wheel your old school approach is mind boggeling. I cannot believe that some of you still have coaching jobs??? Get Creative. You owe it to these high school players to give them a chance to win games. In reality..Garmo and Cisco SHOULD have won 3 or 4 more State titles had they been a little creative with their personnel and not so stuck in their ways. THIS IS 2011 PEOPLE!

  • Most coaches reach out to their mentors and fellow leafue coaches come state title time. Trust me on this. If Bodner chooses to or not it really matters to me not. I just know I would not leave any stone unturned.

    Giarmo has won 23 playoff games and 3 state semi games.

    Stergelas has won 16 playoff games and 4 state semi games.

    Cisco has won 9 playoff games and 1 state semi games.

    Bodner has won 3 playoff games and zero state semi's.

    Like I said no stone would be left unturned if I reached this point.
    He owes it to the kids.

    That is 48 playoff wins vs 3.... in just 3 Huron League coaches.

    you can slam the League all you want but during these times, the league sticks together.

    I saw Stergalas at GI's game against Douglass. I doubt he was there to see them lose.


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