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Friday Night Scores

Flat Rock 21 Milan 14
Riverview 31 SMCC 29
Airport 35 Huron 14
Grosse Ile 41 Jefferson 12

Chris Schultz

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  • "SMCC should be playing in the Cathloic league"

    I wouldnt mind that at all. It gets old hearing the same old whiners each and every year. I mean it's not enough that they play in a league where everyone is larger than them, some more than double(Airport-Milan-Riverview-Huron). However it is too much travel thus too much moolah. SMCC is here to stay folks.


  • "Here's the thing. CC doesn't need all the talent. They have a system that works. Until somebody can figure out how to stop it completely, I think its pretty safe to say that CC will always be a contender."

    I think what this individual is getting at is that this year's SMCC team lacks speed and is NOT the best team in the league this year. You could make a case that talent wise they are 5th in the league. However, they have been in all thier losses(minus Plymouth) in the 4th quarter. GI, Airport and view were all close games til the 4th. View and GI came down to the last play.

    So in the poster's defense, SMCC has kept it close this year for the most part but just hasnt gotten the play it needed at the end. I think in part due to their ball control style of offense which shortens the game.

    I think that is what he may have been getting at but 2-4 is 2-4 anyway you slice it.


  • RE:"That excuse does not cut it pal. Windsor Assumption only plays 2 games all year. This year they play 3. They are 0-2 right now. What playoff hopes are they worried about? CC contacted Windsor for a game, not the other way around. FACT! Everyother team in the league has to play nine REAL games, but CC schedules a game against a team that only plays 2 or 3 games a year. Thats fair?"

    Why do you care so much? Is it to simply call out SMCC and to argue with someone? I mean honestly, relax will you.

    So SMCC scheduled an easy opponent for 2 years.. why get in an uproar about it? They have the toughest schedule for any D6 school year in and year out.

    Why do you care about the playoffs? The team you root for is not in SMCC's division so what does it matter?

    Again, why do you care so much?


  • "I'll try again. Teams don't want to play CC due to the fact that if thay have 5 wins, and they lose to a team at the end of the season, there playoff hopes could get shattered"

    That excuse does not cut it pal. Windsor Assumption only plays 2 games all year. This year they play 3. They are 0-2 right now. What playoff hopes are they worried about? CC contacted Windsor for a game, not the other way around. FACT! Everyother team in the league has to play nine REAL games, but CC schedules a game against a team that only plays 2 or 3 games a year. Thats fair?

  • "Here's the thing. CC doesn't need all the talent. They have a system that works. Until somebody can figure out how to stop it completely, I think its pretty safe to say that CC will always be a contender."

    Very stupid comment. If your "SYSTEM" was working, without the need for talent, then explain why you are 2-4? I think its pretty safe to say that you dont know what your talking about.

  • Here's the thing. CC doesn't need all the talent. They have a system that works. Until somebody can figure out how to stop it completely, I think its pretty safe to say that CC will always be a contender.

  • Lack of talent on freshman team? Surely you jest. The Jv has 9 starting freshman and are 2-0 since they got moved up.

  • 3 teams at 5-1.....pretty interesting at the top with AIR/GI/VIEW. No CC or Milan, things do change.

    I agree we should all go vote the GI game for game of the week.... get crackin' boys, it's good for the HL!!!

    Great win for GI...the D showed some nice fortitude keeping the running tree trunk in check...he's a downhill bruiser, but not who should be getting the touches... see below. And they did this without one of their starting LB's (out for the year) to boot!!

    GI O was hitting on all cylinders and proof positive that you can't key on Kish and win because GI can/should move the pigskin around....and they did. Mr. Kish becomes more dangerous the less he touches it???....I know, sounds crazy but think about it. Mr. White was crisp too.

    Jeff QB has quicks, he should be running the ball more and was the best athlete on the field for Jeff...tip of the week.

    GI JV is toying with the league right now...undefeated and ROLLING on everyone, you might just need to get a sump-pump back-up installed because the GI football storm is churnin'.


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