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Friday Night Scores

SMCC 19 Flat Rock 0
Airport 21 Jefferson 0
Riverview 35 Milan 14
Grosse Ile 49 Huron 27

Chris Schultz

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  • ha ha ha to all of you! Airport is number one and our boys proved it. The juniors on the varsity team have not lost a huron league game EVER since starting in 7th grade. A great group of young men who know that game of football and who plays as a TEAM.

  • 8:35 PM no hard feelings, but you did intend to liven the place up, right? what better to liven things up than firing back at you? On another note, I'm really not familiar with any cliques on here...

  • 8:35...I was OK with your first post.

    However it was nice to actually have someone take a swipe in my defense.....OK with that post too.

    You 2 should shake and call it coombyahh.

    In response to your doubt I would say the record DOES MEAN something from this perspective:
    -GI JV/Varsity combined record just 3 short years ago was 0-14.
    -GI JV/Varsity combined for whole year was 0-18.
    -The year before it was 1-17.
    -2 OH-4 records in a row for Varsity.

    It took HUGE committment from the kids, coaches, parents and community to change the unbelievably negative environment for football at GI. I can only imagine what it's like in Lincoln Park!!

    We've earned the right to show with data and shout from the mountain tops (or Blogs) that "GI Football is Back"...BIG TIME!


  • 3:46 poster. I am not going to even waste the effort to correct anything you said. Except you obviously a part of the clique that seems to have taken over this blog. Guess you missed the line, NO DISRESPECT. Then you call me a hyprocrite. Typical response from the clique. It was some friendly ribbing and trash talking, which is why alot of people come to the blog. Congrats on whatever point YOUR trying to make. Calling someone a hypocrite, when the point was simply that combining a JV and Varsity record proves nothing. Especially when your not winning the Huron League (ie trash talking) Its about developing a program for kids to be given a chance to play football, and hopefully excel helping their school win at the Varsity level. It wasn't a post to call your pal out. Just some ribbing. whatever floats your boat.

  • Looks like milan has to compete with lincoln for school of choice kids. Who would have thought that the Railsplitters would have a better program than the Big Reds.

  • Congrats to Airport. Lets finish this thing off next week at home!
    I saw the game and I saw 2 teams. First one has poise and talent to make an impact in the playoffs. Second one (2nd half) was just happy to get the W. Bears were a few blocks away from making it a game. Airport pass drops would have got them 2 more scores. Both teams equal in first downs! Secondary got picked apart in the 4th qtr. Thankfully that run defense was on their game. Suppose I should be happier. Barber will fix it. Go Jets.

  • Hey,
    Chris what would be the playoff projections for Riverview, Airport, and GI? Any clue if either of them are getting eachother first round?

  • Hey Grammar Police at October 10, 2011 6:10 AM

    IT'S GRAMMAR - NOT GRAMMER! Check yourself before you post.

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