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Friday Night Scores

Huron 24 Riverview 14
SMCC 63 Milan 21
Jefferson 41 Flat Rock 0
Airport 54 Grosse Ile 41

Read the game summaries at the Examiner.

Chris Schultz

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  • well smcc won the league again. they deaserve it bc unlike anyone else in the league they play as an 11 man unit. they dont really have any hardcore playmakers but each one of those guys makes up for the others mistakes. and if one guy falls another can step in with full confidence. and no they shouldn't leave the league

  • To say CC hasnt any good players is a joke,They are disiplined and make very few mistakes,its also called well coached and each player knows his role,no one is above anyone else,they play as a unit,they play hard and practice harder I guess its good they dont have talent,just think what the scores would have been if they did.

  • We do have to remember that a very small % of fans get on here and bash other teams and/or players/

  • First off Chris I'm not saying one team has a team and the others don't. What I am saying is we should celebrate and support teams in the Huron league versus always focusing on individuals and how great they supposedly are. Teams like Airport, CC, Huron, and Milan could or are in the playoffs. We as Huron league fans should support them but instead we wish ill on teams or only talk about players. Personally I think Flatrock as young as they are should be commended for gutting it out and Jefferson for fighting back, and Riverview we shutting down the unstoppable one. Those are Team efforts. But it seems we want to bash, criticize teams and put individuals as our calling card. As the one blogger put to me that's BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

  • In looking at SITOFN point against numbers and the 10:07 post that states "GI should be embarrassed having such a talented team on offense and not spending or preparing any defensive game plan."

    I would have to agree. Our O is several layers deep and we do not need the help there. We are second in scoring points. Only SMCC has scored more. But as every team in the Huron League knows we cannot stop anyone. Even Flat Rock tripled their point for in one game against GI.

    The fans in the stands can see the plays develop and time and time again we have zero adjustments on D from the staff. There has to be a disconnect between the defensive coordination and what the players are taught. Back in the day we would go over our next week’s opponent’s film and game plan and have our best 11 on the field to execute the planned scheme. The D changes happened every week depending on what team we were playing. Does sort of preparation currently happen at GI? I highly doubt that from what we have seen. Until the head coach prepares for an entire game we will not start to win. He would have to be blind to not see that his defensive staff is NOT working and as head coach it is up to HIM to make the adjustments. If you look at the numbers of points against GI has 328 - Flat Rock even has less at 307, Airport is next at 252 after that all teams are less than 200 points against.

    I cannot believe that this lack of D would fly at other school districts. Correct me if I am wrong.

    I do support our head coach, but as a parent I cannot believe that it should be up to us to question our lack of defense with him. Shouldn’t that come from the AD or administration? I do not want to be the same type of parent to run a good coach out of town and everyone knows that seems to happen here, I just want the program to focus on the whole game on both sides of the ball. I truly believe that if we had the right person coach our defense that we would have the best of both worlds.

    GI Fan

  • CC fans talk too much instead of enjoying the fact they have great kids and a dedicated head coach

    I wish someone could explain to me why so many people come on here and say this crap, when in reality, 99% of CC fans don't talk smack on here and I wish that the 1% of idiots would go away, but that is not going to happen.

    The majority of parents, grandparents, alumni, etc., are just a bunch of hard working people who want to give there kids a good foundation for starting there adult lives. These kids are enjoying there high school years like most of us could only dream of. The group of seniors on this team are such a special group of kids, and I have enjoyed watching them grow into fine young men!

    The respect that Jack Giarmo gets from his players, parents, and fans, is second to none.

  • Hey Anonymous 10/17 at 10:07pm, I applaud what you said, hope more people read through your comments though they are lengthy. You are wise and it's obvious you truly love the game. Emotions and self centeredness always get in the way, it's human nature. Great way to summarize this season on the Huron League Blog. Good Luck to all teams in the play offs.

  • Make fun if you must. I did not put down any team or any player. I simply state that our focus should stop being on individual efforts and more on team efforts. We should be celebrating the team accomplishments versus the big me accomplishments. Interview the big me's right now and ask them what they want, to hang up their pads or keep playing in the playoffs as a team. I think they would give up personal glory for team success any day. If not then why do we acknowledge them. This is not about putting one team or coach above the other. But since we brought up coaches, the so called best coach and staff left the Huron league and quote, " I was guaranteed 7 wins." SO he at least thought the league was not very challenging. Milan when they first came in thought they would dominate with talent, at first yes but it did not last. Riverview was at one time dominate (Lessner years including the inherited state finals team. But that was destroyed after his leadership. Huron should be celebrated after their turn around. Flatrock should be acknowledged for never quitting though a young team could have. GI should be embarrassed having such a talented team on offense and not spending or preparing any defensive game plan. Airport I guess won't get their guaranteed 7 wins. Jefferson continues to slump but at least their true to their philosophy. CC fans talk too much instead of enjoying the fact they have great kids and a dedicated head coach, instead they complain about the dumbest things----spoiled fans. This is not a sociology class its a wake up call. We could be the best League in the state but we focus on all the wrong criteria. We wish ill on teams for the playoffs instead of supporting them. We get teams in the finals and hope they lose. Yet praise individual accomplishments. Bahhhhhhhh Humbug is right. Even you can't get over yourself with that comment. Chris many bloggers on here don't talk about teams they talk about who should win individual awards half the time.Case and point people in so many words hope Airport loses, we should be hoping they win, however I think people are tired of hearing how great Mays is. We should be hoping CC can repeat last years effort, but people are sick of their fans talking crap. People should be hoping Milan wins to get a higher seed, but people are tired of hearing how great Dunn is the 2 way POY. Again my point is support teams, communities, and our League, not individual accomplishment.

  • when your a line backer like dunn you shouldnt be the best player when your tackling running backs 6-8 yards down the field, at one point i saw his try and pick up a cc player and slam him, butthe only thing that did was give cc an extra 2 yards and a first down.

    good player but there is better

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