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Nice Night for a Fire

Beautiful night in downtown Waltz. I’m sitting around enjoying the cool night with a nice little bonfire going in the yard. With laptop in hand I am writing about the Friday Night Stars from around the Huron League.

One think that jumped out at me from the first night of the season is the solid quarterbacking that three sophomores provided for their teams. Jacob Hagemann, Brandon Potcova and Mike Chickeral all had nice nights for their teams. While two of them lost games in didn’t seem that it was any fault of their own. It will be nice to see those three youngsters progess throughout the season and years to come.

I think the readers on here are being a little to critical of SMCC’s loss to Detroit Crockett. The Rockets most likely have more Division I players on their rosters than most of the Huron league schools have had in their football histories. The Falcons will be fine but they better get going quickly Jefferson and Riverview are up the next two weeks.

Many people are being critical of Huron’s win over Erie Mason citing that the Eagles aren’t very good. Who cares, a win is a win and the Chiefs can use as many as they can get.

The league went 5-3 on the opening night of the season. In my opinion, the Airport and Flat Rock losses were anticipated while the SMCC loss wasn’t a surprise either. My Alma Mater Flat Rock surprised me a bit with their close outcome. It looks as if their sophmores are growing up quickly.

Well, goodnight folks look for the weekly Friday Night Stars piece every Sunday morning only at the Examiner:

Chris Schultz

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  • RE:"Beautiful night in downtown Waltz. I'm sitting around enjoying the cool night with a nice little bonfire going in the yard. "

    The only downtown in Michigan where you can build a bonfire.

  • The lcaa has(had) hudson, onsted and blissfield. Those are all very good programs! How can you say it is weak?

  • Little late on that response huh? Dont worry, if your team performs well it will get respect. Dont beg for it!!

  • Chris, The weekly round table sounds good. Let me know where and I will bring the food and drinks.

  • A while back a blogger poseted a score of the cc /fr game as being 52-14 (still have work to do). Usually not one for excuses but I HAVE to on this one. Not only were 10 of the 11 starters on the field freshman but chickeral (fresh) was out with the flu, blosser (fresh) was up on varsity, knoch (fresh) was severely hampered with an ankle injury, and 2 of our lineman 1 fresh and 1 soph sat for missing practice. With that type of firepower out against YOUR JV what would you expect. Typical CC arrogance at its finest. The day for honoring yourself will soon come to an end. Can't wait.

  • Flat Rock and Grosse Ile will NEVER get any respect UNTIL they BEAT teams such as SMCC, Airport, Jefferson and Milan. PERIOD!

  • im sorry, but that is absurd to say flat rock would "go undefeated every year if they were not in the HL" that is just crazy. What league would that be in? The LCAA is a weak league and Ida is a bottom team in it. (Whom they just lost to) what league would flat rock be in? They would struggle for 4 or 5 wins even in the TCC

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