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Good News

As I wrote back on July 24th, I said that changes would be coming soon to the blog. This writer has been accepted to write for

The Examiner will give me the ability to cover the whole Huron League in virtually every sport. Once again I say, “don’t worry your coverage of Huron League Football won’t change”.

Football and basketball will be the focus but other sports will be covered. This may take some time but the ball is rolling to get buy in from the school AD’s and coaches.

Once my area in the Examiner is set up, I will provide links on the blogs that will direct you where to go to read the articles that cover the Huron League.

I will still write for my blog but that will usually be opinion pieces. Coverage of sports, human interest, results and previews will all be part of the Examiner.

Chris Schultz

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  • The plan is this folks. I will still cover football and basketball like I always have. I go to games every week and it is easy to write about the game I go to.

    The other sports will need buy in from the coaches. They have to provide me information about there teams and outcomes. This is currently being put together.

    This fall I will write about football, cross country, soccer and volleyball. I know that isn't every sport but thats where were at.

    The winter will include boys and girls basketball, wrestling and possibly competitive cheer.

    Spring will include track, baseball and soccer.

    Like I said, much of this will depend on the coaches providing me info.

    Stay tuned for more details.

  • Chris, don't edit too much as you'll lose the very prose that we all love on this blog.

    Keep the dialogue moving forward and ingore the nay-sayers that want to try to drag you backwards.

    Your opinions are "almost" ALWAYS spot on and you have the respect of both the people who agree AND disagree with you. A rare and special trait indeed.


  • I know there are people who probably feel I shouldn't make a profit but it has to justify the time spent. That is a reality.

  • A couple of things:

    I'm not a teacher but I am working on becoming one. I made a decision back in June to do that.

    This will be strictly sideline like it is right now.

    The website is on the back burner because of the Examiner. I still plan on doing the website but only if revenues can justify the time spent. That won't happen for a while.

  • Arent you a teacher? Are you going to quit your job? This would seem to be very time consuming. Not trying to get all up in your business but as one of your avid readers I feel strangely connected ;)

  • will that take the place of the website you were setting up? You mentioned someone was making you offers to set up a website for you.

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