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Airport Jets

Hit by the departure of Eric Redmond and by heavy graduation losses the Jets are picked to finish 5th. Read More at

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Chris Schultz

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  • Wow, anonymous August 24 @ 11:40pm; That is harsh! Chris, I now know how you must feel when you have written something that has offended someone or some team! My intentions wasn't to offend anyone & yet I feel almost obligated to respond back...Anonymous just so you know; I am a realist! I realize that on any given day, any given team can win or lose. This is a game that consist of knowledge, skill, discipline & experience also plays a part in the outcome. I also realize that Jefferson may not utilize all of it's talent as do most other schools. This is sometimes referred to as Politics. But to say a school is a "has been" is a bit harsh. We may not agree on how things will turn out but again that is our right & opinion. Oh & one last thing Anonymous, I am not a Jefferson fan but I do wish them the best of luck as I also do with all of the other Huron League Teams! May the best team win!

  • In response to anonymous on aug.22 4:02pm. what makes u think that jefferson is going to be that good? just because they have 2 defense players that were all legaue last yr? or that McCullough is returning? or better yet a couple of rb's that werent utilized last yr? why would u think they would be utilized this year if they werent good enough last yr why would they be this yr? jefferson is a has been they may have some talent but they dont know how to use it! so dont get your hopes up cause u will be just let down again!

  • Behrik has been one injury after another since he was young...good when he is healthy...but healthy is a problem

  • That is my dyslexia acting up again. I have an editor but it only works on internet explorer and I'm a chrome guy. I always forget to switch over when writing. Hopefully they don't dock my pay. Thanks for the heads up!

  • I really wrestled with this one. I just thought that Airport would lose 4 in the league somewhere. It would mostly likely be those 4 but could be to say a GI and then beat a Milan.

    When it came to the final record I don't really see them beating either of those non-league teams but I couldn't pick Airport at 3-6.

    I think Bedford will be tough this year but it isn't like Franklin has been world beaters the last two seasons.

  • Are you saying Chris that you think the Jets will lose to SMCC, Riverview, Milan and Jefferson yet will beat either Bedford or Franklin? If they are good enough to beat either Bedford or Franklin then they are certainly good enough to beat say Milan or Riverview. You dont agree?

  • well, i have agreed with everything you have said so far but your research on Airport is WAAAAYYYY off as far as players. Travis Hauck will never see the defensive side of the ball, Jake Deweese, Troy Cook and Anthony Kitts anchor the Def. Line. Hauck, Kitts, Deweese and Sorenson make up a pretty good O Line. the jets will score on offense but will have a rough time keeping the other teams from scoreing more.

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