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7 on 7 Passing Leagues

Please let everyone know where your teams are participating in 7 on 7 and how they have been doing.

Chris Schultz

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  • ya why would anyone ever think they are gonna run all over Huron? There is no history to back that thought.

  • talk crap now but hurons gonna have the biggest team in the league with there 5 returning linemen and 2 powerfull senior running back so just keep thinking ur gonna runn all over huron..

  • All i was doing was backing up a previous post in which somebody said that the Big RB from Jefferson didn't play on JV at all that season. Whether what games it was, he still was pushed up halfway through.

  • i dont understand why everybody puts huron above flat rock every year and for the past 6 years and counting huron has never showed up to play flat rock. all im sayin is u guys make flat rock sound like crap but pound for pound they usally allways give a fight

  • RE:"jefferson will be good but not that good, there looking at a 6-3 season, they will beat airport, airport will NOT be that good this up coming year. they will lose 5 games. 3 of them in the HL vs cc, jefferson and milan. C.C. will be good, will be in the top 3. same will milan with a fast team with good jr class coming back. G.I wont be able is fill in dex's spot and that will hurt them alot, huron lost there best player and will be in the bottom 3 same with flat rock, Riverview will not be 9-0 they will be 6-3. milan cc and jefferson will beat them. I'am saying
    TOP 3 (not in order)
    BOTTOM 3(not in order)
    huron,flat rock, GI
    but best of luck to every team, I really hope we can have some other teams in the playoffs this year, b/c will know milan and c.c will be in it for sure. hope jefferson can do somethings and riverview."

    -You try to hide your colors but they show through. Your Big Reds will be ok this year probably 6-3 with Jefferson and Riverview.

  • jefferson will be good but not that good, there looking at a 6-3 season, they will beat airport, airport will NOT be that good this up coming year. they will lose 5 games. 3 of them in the HL vs cc, jefferson and milan. C.C. will be good, will be in the top 3. same will milan with a fast team with good jr class coming back. G.I wont be able is fill in dex's spot and that will hurt them alot, huron lost there best player and will be in the bottom 3 same with flat rock, Riverview will not be 9-0 they will be 6-3. milan cc and jefferson will beat them. I'am saying
    TOP 3 (not in order)
    BOTTOM 3(not in order)
    huron,flat rock, GI
    but best of luck to every team, I really hope we can have some other teams in the playoffs this year, b/c will know milan and c.c will be in it for sure. hope jefferson can do somethings and riverview.

  • McCollough was moved up before the Milan and CC game for sure. I believe also the Airport game but not sure. Milan was the only game that the starters played the 2nd half that year. So saying all the tough games were done when he went up is wrong unless you think, Milan and CC aren't tough.

    As far as last year that team went through alot of ups and downs with the Seniors and juniors going against each other and then losing the QB early on really split the team. I believe this year will be a ton different. This bunch really plays well together and cares about playing hard as a TEAM. I believe you will see atotally different Jefferson squad this year.( Atleast I sure hope so ).

  • Having good juniors is noting like having good seniors. The Bears will be just fine this year. 6-3 at worst.

  • Well if it doesnt mean anything to go 9-0 as JV then I guess the same must go for a team that goes 0-9 as JV. Huron League champs??? The New Boston Huron Chiefs!!!

  • i'll try this again, Yes i agree that Jefferson's 9-0 JV squad did not play the part on the big stage as well. a lot of teams tend to have strong lower classman, but that doesnt mean all that much the following year

    McCollough from Jefferson (the big RB) was pushed up about halfway through the season..after the tough teams that jefferson had worries about were beaten they pushed him up. so don't use the excuse that they went undefeated without their biggest guy because that is false, ask anyone who remembers that season.

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