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SMCC Makes Comeback

SMCC trailed 14-6 at the half but T.J. Lovell scored on a 77 yard run and Michael Howey added the 2 point conversion to tie the game with 10 minutes to go in the 4th.

SMCC was able to march the ball down the field late in the 4th qtr and Seth Gonyea kicked a 29 yard field goal with 27 secs left to play in regulation.

The Falcon’s Kyle Burkhardt recovered a fumble in the endzone on the games final play to make the final score 23-14.

SMCC (12-1) will play undefeated and defending state champion Montague in the Division VI final on Friday at Ford Field. Constantine finished 10-3.

Chris Schultz

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  • Bottom line is...
    SMCC is in the finals.

    They, as a team, have gotten good playoff experience, and, in addition, were able to practice in pad another whole month.

    That alone goes a long way. Just like college teams going to bowl games, the extra practice time will only make them better come next year.

    SMCC is a small team size wise compared to all the teams they faced in the playoffs. They are well coached and EXECUTE, and have shown they can handle adversity and pressure.
    Constantine thought they had it in the bag - - -until the second half.

    Great job SMCC and good luck Friday.

    -Signed: A Huron League football dad (not from SMCC)

  • Anonymous, I don't know what school you are from and that doesn't matter, but that was a super comment you made about TJ. It was very gracious of you and the comment was accurate as well. Lovell is very determined, has guts, is one of the leaders, and never gives up!

    Thank you again, from an SMCC fan!

    p.s., thank you to all of the schools for supporting SMCC!

  • Your welcome. I'm sure I'll end up watching the game on tv. Is Montague a run-based team? I know I watched the finals last year, but i can't for the life of me remember their play style.


  • Dont under estamate the power of "PREY" and CC will "PREY" on who ever has the ball.It will be good but dont count CC out,repeating is not easy and we have some boys that will go to the next level as well ,this year and the following year so buckle up for a good one.

  • I tell you, it was really TJ who touched off the comeback on Saturday. I have never been a big fan of his, but i got to see first hand what determination and guts he has. The crowd seemed to ready to wave the white flag, I saw it myself. Good thing for everyone to experience that it only takes one, then it's contagious. Good things can happen when you don't give up. Good job falcons.

  • JW, thanks for answering my question. I want to see a close game too. I have talked to people who have seen montague play and they are the real deal. Their QB is going to Central Michigan next year I believe.

  • No, I dont think they should say anything at all. Whoever said that probably has never even see Montague play, but i could be wrong.

    If SMCC wins, good for them. If they lose, 2nd in the state is not bad at all. I'd just rather see a close game in all honesty.


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