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Huron League Thoughts and Questions

Since SMCC has made it to Ford Field like I predicted back in August and they are the only league team still playing I think we should be talking about them in my thoughts and questions section.

Thanks to all who kept me updated on the game while I sat in my comfortable chair at home.

What is the line for the SMCC/Montague game?

It sure is nice to see T.J. Lovell stepping up big after I gushed all over him in the preseason.

Will Huron League fans be at Ford Field cheering on the Falcons?

My family wants to go to the game on Friday. I wonder if they just want to have a nice dinner in dowtown Detroit afterward.

Has anyone ever been to Montague?

I said to my buddy Tom at halftime that SMCC would make adjustments.

Because of their youth is Constantine the favorite in Division 6 next year?

I wonder how big the Montague/Whitehall rivalry is?

Is there tailgating scheduled for Friday’s game?

How good is Constantine’s freshman RB Payton White? (Rumor has it he was dinged up a bit for this game)

Is Montague beatable?

If you have short video or pictures from yesterday’s game send it over through my email and I’ll put it up.

We are quickly approaching 100,000 visitors since the blog was launched in mid-August.

Chris Schultz

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  • What's wrong Montauge CC have you scared so you have to come on this blog and bad mouth the team and make things up just to make you feel better? What ever happened to good sportsmenship? You guys need to stop running your mouth off and prove it on the field Friday.

  • No offense but I see cody kater torching the cc secondary. Those turds cant cover montagues guys. Edmond chinevare doesnt ever want to hit anybody!

  • I honestly think this game is going to be closer then people think..i know everyone is suggesting Montague Blowout, but I don't think so...One thing SMCC will win is the Special Teams battle..if they win the kicking game, and create good field position for themselves then they should be able to move the ball and chew up clock..They spend a lot of time going over special teams..I know Montague has a great kicker/punter, but I give the overall special teams edge to..SMCC......THANK GOD you have a new D coordinator this year..i'd hate to go watch a Jim Clawson D sit in a zone and get picked apart....Hoffman the new D coordinator is doing a nice job..he'll bring some pressure and different looks to the game...they'll have to take chances and force Montague to play behind the chains early and often...SMCC has good tackling DB's but they have not, and DO NOT cover the pass well AT ALL!!..their corners aren't that athletic, and they're small..Pannone is a ball hawking safety, but gets burned in the passing game..this should be SMCC's biggest concern..SMCC's offense will move the ball..they've blocked bigger, tougher Defensive fronts all year...i even feel SMCC has played a better/tougher schedule...D6 was pretty weak this year in the playoffs...SMCC plays all A/B schools in the regular season..Montague plays a B/C schedule...i think the huron league is physically tougher then the Western Michigan doubt Montague has more talent, but SMCC is probably the most disciplined team in D6..if they move the ball score points, and win the kicking game they should have a good shot to win....

  • Anonymous at 6:08, I read that on mlive as well. Do they have a different set of refs for each game? Do they ref two games and are done? How does that work?

  • I just read on mlive the same refs that ref'd the clarkston/stevenson game will be reffing for inkster/lowell on friday? smcc's game is right after that one, does that mean we will also have these ridiculous refs??

  • Bottom line is...
    SMCC is in the finals.

    They, as a team, have gotten good playoff experience, and, in addition, were able to practice in pad another whole month.

    That alone goes a long way. Just like college teams going to bowl games, the extra practice time will only make them better come next year.

    SMCC is a small team size wise compared to all the teams they faced in the playoffs. They are well coached and EXECUTE, and have shown they can handle adversity and pressure.
    Constantine thought they had it in the bag - - -until the second half.

    Great job SMCC and good luck Friday.

    -Signed: MW
    A Huron League football dad (not from SMCC)

  • Montague will know how to stop the FH-T. SMCC must pull out all the tricks to win this one. I am pretty sure Coach Giarmo knows this. Good luck Falcons!

  • To Anonymous November 23, 2009 5:16 PM, it's true the Falcons will miss Lovell, but I believe the defense will be as good if not better next year. With how hard this team works, along with the tradition of excellence, they will be ready.

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