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Grosse Ile Dooms Huron to Basement

Grosse Ile scored early and often on the Island tonight. The Red Devils jumped out to a quick 28-0 lead and coasted to an easy 45-26 win over Huron.

Grosse Ile scored on it’s first three possessions of the night and was also aided by an 82 yard fumble return by Jake Burr in the first quarter.

Dex Teen and Robbie White both scored two touchdowns for GI. Cam Church scored on a 57 yard touchdown run while Majd Khytaz added a 36 yard field goal.

Andrew Mayrand threw 2 touchdown passes to David Stockert. Sterling Wilson and Jordan Van Gieson also scored for the Chiefs.

With the win, Grosse Ile improved to 3-4 in the Huron League and 4-4 overall. The Chiefs drop to 1-6 in the league and 2-6 overall.

Chris Schultz

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  • Hip, Hip, Horray for Korody's Mom!!

    Well said, no mistake about allegence, positive commments about football and NO EXCUSE MAKING or HATING.

    I'm a little surprised that Huron has the "GI HATER" bug, but I suppose there are all kinds in all places. If any team in the HL could use a massive dose or PMA (Positivie Mential Attitude) it would be Huron.

    And to "Talk about elitist", PLEASE sign your posts so we know when to skip over them and not waste precious time reading trivial, sniviling garbage. (aka "Rustoya Hate" comments)

    And before you start flaming me, please read my posts concering Huron and it's will find very positive comments and WILL NOT FIND HATE FROM ME...but I will definetly call out negative, sour-grape, hateful bloggers.


  • Korody's mom here. I don't have to hide behind "anonymous"..Obviously some people are assuming I have been writing some of these other posts as "mom" is being accused of "judging" others kids. Sorry to disappoint, but that wasn't me...
    Thank you to those with kind words. My son, like all the other young men playing on HL teams, goes out and gives it his all every Friday night. I couldn't be prouder of him...or of all his teammates AND competitors.
    I have been a football Mom for nine years now, and have made many friends from all over this league. Football is a great sport. It requires individual effort, unwavering dedication, and teamwork. It builds character in the players like no other sport.
    It is unfortunate that many of these bloggers don't have much of it themselves...This blog should be a place to discuss football and to celebrate our young athletes and their accomplishments, not tear them down anonymously from behind computer screens.
    So, good luck to all on Friday night...We have one game left to cheer our guys on! Let's show these other teams some Huron League football. :)

  • I think you should have minded your own business.Worry how you can help your son have more then durability.And less about how good of a season someone else is haveing.

  • Mind my own business? I was paying him a compliment. We could use a good two way lineman. We would have been better with him.

    Here was my quote, "too bad he open enrolls over at Grosse Ile we could use him in the district he lives in, Huron."

    Talk about elitist! No wonder nobody likes you people on the island.

  • He went to Huron schools for ONE year. He has been at GI since 7th grade. Mind your own business, let's stick to football on this blog.

  • what tape you watching he triped and fell on to the ball lol.everyone plays two ways on huron and gi low should not judge other players when your son is only getting 5 tackles a game mom.

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