Just wanted to float some info for people interested in following the blog here. It is a work in progress and I will be tweaking things including the layout when I have the time. I’m not currently happy with how the site looks but I’m sure most people are more interested in the content than anything.

Please feel free to make comments or to email me if you like. I am open to any suggestions that you may have. I would like to add team websites but it is looking like most schools don’t have one. It would be quite a bit of work for me to add teams pages on my own. I would rather just add a link. I will create team pages myself if the interest is there and if people can provide me rosters and schedules.

I’m not looking to make this a job, just a place where Huron League football fans can get some thoughts and insight about the teams, games and season. If you have a schedule for your teams scrimmage please email me. I will throw it in my blog when I have every teams info.

Chris Schultz

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  • Keep up the good work here. I am looking forward to the turn around of the Pirates this year. In my mind this year they can (and I mean can) make the playoffs. It is a tough road ahead. They can beat Crestwood, GI, Flat Rock, Willow Run and Huron(lets not talk about last year). They just need to find a way to upset one of the big teams:Airport, SMCC, Jefferson, or Milan. I am being VERY optimistic, but a 5-4 season would be great for the Bucs and new coach. I hope the Huron League can have a few good playoff performers again this year. GO BUCS!!!!!

  • Andrew White is the only back that I know of from Riverview. At this point I don't know if they have a transfer or not.

    I'm going to talk about some of the other backs in the league at a later date. You named a few of them that I had in mind.

    What it name of the back from Riverview who did not play last year.. Heard he was a transfer. Sounds like he may the sleeper in the league this year. Conner, S. Wilson, Teen, Lovell, McCullough should be the top backs...

  • The hard part is going to be content. I have my own thoughts on things regarding the league but there is only so much space up there (in my head). I'm going to try and post everyday but will probably end up posting 3 times a week. It will most likely include weekly predictions, game summaries and stats.

    Please let others know about the blog and let them know I am open to ideas and criticism. I will answer all emails. I plan on having a basketball blog thie winter covering both boys and girls.

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